Best Business And Life Tips From Robert Kiyosaki: A Secret Guide To Success?

Best Business And Life Tips From Robert Kiyosaki: A Secret Guide To Success?

What secret make them successful?

"What's made them successful in regards to their mindset and the habits they've enforced in their life".

So in this article I'm going to reveal to you.

The best business and life tips from Robert Kiyosaki.

That will really determine whether or not you're on path to a success.

I urge you and challenge you to 10X it, so you constantly better yourself. And also

I challenge you to basically try out and make it part of your identity as these best tips on business and life will make you successful.

There's no doubt about it as it's modeled after billionaires as well as millionaires.

Let's shovel it in the first sign is all to do with speed of implementation.

So, what I've noticed from very successful people is the rate they absorb information and actually go do it.

Speed of implementation.

They literally do it like there is no tomorrow. So to give you an example I was on a Skype call with my billionaire mentor and I was giving him some advice on digital marketing.

That's my area of speciality and he didn't really know much about Facebook advertisement.

So I told him the tweet he could make to make his campaign more successful and he got the call and I noticed there was a little ting sound you get from Skype.

And I checked the message.

He's like I finished what should I do next literally in within 50 seconds.

He'd really done it.

That was incredible but this was just a pattern I noticed amongst very successful people, it's like you know they read a book.

They get that little snippet of information and they apply on their life immediately. 

It's literally like they pulled a trigger like then.

Then they didn't even think about it there is no data for later.

There is none of the shelf help they literally absorb and implement so this is something that I ensure, that I will implement in my life.

This is one of those tips that you've really got enforcing in on yourself.

So I urge you to increase your speed of implementation.

The rate you take action as you really begin to see results faster.

Okay guys let's go on to the next point.

The second point is the ability to take action when you feel uncertain.

You see a lot of successful people whenever they don't feel sure about something they before that mind.

They pay for it and they really move forward one of  Tony Robbins quote summarizes this perfectly he said that:

"success is determined by the amount of uncertainty that you can comfortably handle"

This is what I've noticed and regards to successful people.

They literally can handle that amount of uncertainty when they don't feel sure.

They just pulled a trigger to find out whether or not it's a good idea.

They literally pulled the trigger they never hesitate because they realize "how important time is".

So they don't waste time.

They let you just do it and figure out whether or not is a good idea.

If they end up failing they learn from it but they don't procrastinate.

They just take that action right even if they feel uncertain.

They're like boom, they do it.

That's the second sign is about the ability to take action when you feel uncertain.

Let's shovel it in the third sign.

The last point it's all to do with

"how much you value your time".

If you're somebody who makes every single second count towards your dream.

And you don't waste any single second as you realize "how important time is" that's a sign that you're going to be incredibly successful.

What I've noticed from very successful people is that they value their time and they're really strict about it.

They schedule that shit in and

  • they never waste time
  • they don't lounge about
  • they don't spend time on social media
  • they don't spend time watching Netflix or all this bullshit news on the TV.

They're out there making their dream happen.

They also have a really crazy morning and evening as scheduled.

They go to sleep quite early.

They wake up early around 4 a.m.

They're out there doing it 18-hour days.

They literally just grinding hustlin making it happen.

So this is total opposite of average people if you think about it.

Average people they complain of their 8-hour shifts or nine-hour shifts at work whereas successful people because they're doing what they love.

They can't get enough of it.

They can't stop that's why they're happy to do their 18-hour days.

So forth this is something that I made sure.

I enforced as a lot of you guys know successful people got crazy more than ritual which starts usually at around 5:00 or 6:00 a.m.

So, guys these are the three signs.

The first sign is speed of implementation the rate you can take action.

The second sign is about your ability to take action when you don't feel sure.

The third sign is all todo with how you treat your time.

I use somebody who wastes your time on social media or are you somebody who goes out and makes it happen.

Robert Kiyosaki is the person you should study from if you want to achieve financial freedom and make more money in order to become wealthy in life.

In this post, you'll learn about Kiyosaki's top ten success concepts.

1. Make an Effort to Gain Experience.

Kiyosaki, like everyone else, began his career with very little money.

And he believed that his past experiences had led him to where he is now.

In one of his seminars, he mentioned that he purchased his first investment property in Hawaii.

He made the $2,000 deposit with his credit card for a tiny $18,000 condominium.

He admitted that it was a bad decision, but it was that experience that helped him become a successful real estate investor.

As a result, you should set out to obtain additional experience.

While it is true that reading books, attending seminars, and learning from others can help you learn and obtain new knowledge, you cannot develop new experience solely by reading.

Cycling was also used by Kiyosaki as an example. He claims that reading a book will not teach you how to ride a bicycle.

The only way to learn to ride a bicycle is to get on one and learn to ride it.

Swimming is the same way. You cannot learn to swim by watching a YouTube video instruction.

To learn the talent, you must do it yourself and go through the process.

And, according to Kiyosaki, the same principles apply to starting a successful business, earning money, making investments, and being financially educated. 

Only by doing it, by going through the process, will you be able to learn it.

2. You will Receive More If You Give More.

Kiyosaki is a firm believer in the law of reciprocity, which states that the more you give, the more you gain.

In his book, he used his father as an example.

He claims that his poor father only wants more and refuses to provide.

His poor father is certain that the more he gives, the more he loses.

And this is why his poor father prefers to receive rather than labour more.

His wealthy father, on the other hand, feels that the more he works and contributes, the more he would receive.

The more value you create for your customers, the more customers you will have in the business sector.

Many people make the mistake of believing that in order to receive more, they must wring every penny out of their clients and their business, which is the wrong approach.

Your major goal, according to Kiyosaki, should be to provide more value to your clients through your firm.

You make a great product or provide amazing service to your consumers in the hopes that they will buy more from you and become loyal customers.

Unfortunately, the majority of people are just concerned with themselves and how they can best serve their clients.

They want to make the lowest product possible and earn as much money as possible from their clients. In the long run, this will not work out.

3. Maintaining Focus is Essential.

Kiyosaki discussed his thoughts on attention in one of his workshops.

Focus, he explained, simply means "stick to one course until you succeed."

That is precisely what he did when he initially began.

He also stated that he attended a real estate investing course in 1997 and applied what he learnt there till he became a master before deciding to start his own business.

The difficulty with most people is that they lack the attention required to stay on track.

Most individuals make objectives, attend seminars, and learn how to succeed in whatever they do, whether it's business or investing, but they don't stick to them.

Many people desire to lose weight and make it a goal to go to the gym, exercise regularly, and eat nutritious foods.

Only those that stick to the strategy, however, will be able to attain their objectives.

It applies to every aspect of your life.

If you want to become wealthy and financially independent, you must follow Kiyosaki's advice and stay focused on your goals until you achieve them.

Avoid hopping from one chance to the next or switching businesses.

If you want to succeed, you must adhere to your strategy, put forth the necessary effort, and give it your all.

Now is the time to wait for the outcome.

When times are rough, individuals will panic and want to sell everything, including profitable businesses.

During the economic slump, Kiyosaki stated he bought five golf courses because people wanted to sell quickly and were selling them for a fraction of the market price.

He also purchased them.

And a few years later, when the economy improves, he receives excellent bids to purchase the golf courses, which is what makes it such a wonderful deal.

"Every struggle, every failure, every grief bears with it the seed of an equal or greater reward," Napoleon Hill, the legendary author of Think and Grow Rich, once stated.

Failures, rough times, challenges, and setbacks, according to highly successful people, are fantastic ways to learn and contain opportunities to earn and climb higher.

4. Your Success is Determined by How you Think.

How you think will eventually define how you live, and Kiyosaki, like other successful individuals, thinks that how we think will impact the outcomes we achieve in our lives as well.

On the Oprah Winfrey Show, he revealed that, like many other business people, he was broke before becoming successful.

Instead of allowing the bill collectors to shrink him and make him live in dread, he used them as an incentive to work harder and pay himself first.

However some people assume that difficulty will bring them down and prevent them from progressing, but Kiyosaki believes that adversity may be used as a stepping stone to greater achievement.

As a result, if you are not currently living the life you desire, the first step is to alter your mindset.

You will make new decisions and act differently after your thinking has altered. And your life will eventually alter.

5. Develop and Expand Your Assets

Many of the most significant success concepts that Kiyosaki teaches is to build and grow one's assets.

The majority of people have a distorted view of assets and liabilities. They considered a house to be a valuable asset.

When you buy a property and move in, your home does not generate any passive income for you.

Instead, you must invest in your home by purchasing furniture and refurbishing it.

Assets, according to Kiyosaki, are something that can help you make money. When you buy a property as an investment, things will be different.

The tenant will pay you the rent when you rent out the property, and the rent is a sort of passive income.

Another excellent example is your automobile. Many people believe that possessing a car is a valuable possession, which it is.

Definitely not.

Because your car will never generate passive revenue for you, Kiyosaki views it as a liability rather than an asset.

As a result, learn how to construct and expand your assets. Invest in items that will make you more money rather than those that will drain your bank account.

The amount of assets in a well-designed business is continually increasing. That is precisely what you must do.

Assemble more assets that will provide you with passive income.

6. Saving Money is a Thing of the Past.

The majority of people will save money in order to become financially successful. 

According to Kiyosaki, this is a bad idea since you can't keep up with the variations in the value of the currency, which would erode their purchasing power.

The rate of inflation will be higher than the interest you get on your savings account.

Globalization will raise the price of almost everything.

Consider the case of oil. The price of oil per barrel was probably around $10 in 1997, but it has now risen to over a hundred dollars per barrel after a decade.

Inflation has a similar effect.

As a result, as time passes, your purchasing power will dwindle dramatically. And saving money in the bank is actually losing money.

Hedging money is what Kiyosaki suggests. You must hedge your money against inflation rather than saving all of it.

When you buy real estate, you're hedging against inflation because when the value of money declines, the cost of construction materials rises, causing property values to rise as well.

Kiyosaki also recommends investing in gold and silver rather than saving all of your hard-earned money.

There is money in the bank.

7. Have a good understanding of money.

On the area of personal finance, Kiyosaki offered many of his views and concepts.

He is a proponent who believes that in order to be financially successful, one must first acquire the appropriate financial knowledge.

Understanding what you're working on is one of his concepts that can help you improve your financial situation.

He divided jobs and careers into four groups in his books: employee, self-employed, businessman, and investor.

And if you want to become wealthy, you must first figure out which category you belong to.

As said by Kiyosaki, the majority of employed people work for earned income, which is the most heavily taxed.

He also stated that a significant portion of the earned revenue will be used to pay taxes before reaching the employee's hands.

He also stated that there are three different forms of earnings.

And, according to Kiyosaki, when it comes to hard labour, the general public only understands and is willing to work hard for earned income, which is the first type of revenue.

The second sort of income is portfolio income, which consists primarily of capital gains.

You got portfolio income, for example, when you invested in the stock market and profited from it.

The passive income is the third sort of revenue.

Passive income is what genuinely makes individuals wealthy.

Instead of working hard at a job to earn an income and then paying the most tax, Kiyosaki advises his audience to learn and build passive income.

This is why he thinks financial knowledge is vital, since if you work hard for the wrong thing, you may end yourself putting in a lot of effort for a tiny amount of reward.

8. You Shouldn't Be Fear to Fail

At some point in their lives, even the most successful people will fail.

Henry Ford went bankrupt five times before achieving success in the automobile industry. 

Apple's creator, Steve Jobs, was ousted from the company's board of directors.

He began, but he returned to Apple and transformed it into one of the most innovative corporations of the decade.

Robert Kiyosaki has admitted that he has failed numerous times in his business ventures.

He also said that his friend Donald Trump, with whom he has co-authored a few books, failed numerous times and was billions of dollars in debt before rebounding and becoming even more successful.

As a result, don't be frightened to lose.

Babies learn to walk by standing up, falling, and then standing up and falling again, according to Kiyosaki.

The baby learns the most when he or she falls. It's the same in both life and business.

people, on the other hand, have been socialised to believe that failing is a terrible thing. your teacher will discipline you if you make a mistake, but you would never discipline a newborn who stumbles while learning to walk, right?

This is where the bulk of people have a difficulty. they are terrified of making mistakes, and as a result, they allow their fear of failure to prevent them from progressing. so, from now on, look at your failure as an opportunity to develop yourself and your work. "i've missed more than 9000 shots in my career," michael jordan, the basketball superstar, is famous for his failure statement. i've lost over 300 games and been trusted 26 times to shoot the game-winning shot and failed."."

He is a businessman, financial analyst, self-help author, motivational speaker, and broadcaster from the United States.

The Rich Dad Company was founded by him.

His net worth is believed to be $80 million.

Robert Kiyosaki is the author of the Top 10 Rules for Success.

1. Having more experience makes you wiser.

Kiyosaki was born and reared in Hilo, Hawaii, as a fourth-generation Japanese American.

2. It is said that the more you give, the more you will receive.

Kiyosaki attended the United States Merchant Marine Academy in New York after graduating from Hilo High School in 1965.

3. Make a mental shift.

Kiyosaki began his career after graduating from college in New York by working for Standard Oil's tanker office. After six months, he quit to join the Marine Corps.

4. Focus

He received the Air Medal for his service as a helicopter gunship pilot in the Marine Corps during the Vietnam War in 1972.

5. Adversity creates fresh opportunities

In June 1974, Kiyosaki was honourably discharged from the Marine Corps. He then worked as a sales associate for Xerox until June 1978.

6. Create a proper business plan.

Kiyosaki began working in the retail industry in 1977. He founded a business that produced the first nylon and Velcro "surfing" wallets.

7. Be aware of what you're putting in a lot of effort for.

At the age of 47, he retired in 1994. Cashflow Technologies, a business education company that owns the Rich Dad and Cashflow brands, was founded by him in 1997.

8. Don't be afraid of setbacks.

Kiyosaki, a financial literacy champion, has advocated for entrepreneurship, business education, investment, and the teaching of financial literacy in schools around the world.

9. Make a point of acquiring assets.

In addition, Kiyosaki writes a monthly column for Yahoo Finance.

10. Stop saving money and start hedging it.

Emi Kiyosaki, his sister, is a former Tibetan Buddhist nun. He and Emy co-wrote a novel called "Rich Brother, Rich Sister."

Tips to Guide You in Achieving Financial Success

People should save less than they spend, according to Robert Kiyosaki.

If you're having difficulties saving, here are some tips to help you avoid overspending.

Staying on track requires the usage of a budget. SmartAsset's budget calculator can assist you in setting a budget.

Passive income allows you to put your money to work for you.

Although Kiyosaki favours real estate, there are a few other ways to generate passive income.

Working with a financial advisor is another option.

An advisor can assist you in determining your long-term objectives and developing a financial strategy to help you achieve them.

A complementary tool, such as SmartAsset's, can assist you in finding someone to work with who meets your requirements.

You'll start by answering a series of questions about your circumstances and objectives.

The tool will then filter your options down from thousands of advisors to up to three registered investment advisors who meet your requirements.

You may then read their profiles to learn more about them, have a phone or in-person interview with them, and decide who you want to collaborate with in the future.

This helps you to identify a solid match while the programme takes care of a lot of the legwork.

Whether you follow financial news and advice, you've almost certainly come across Robert Kiyosaki's name.

He is the author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad, and a number of other financial books in which he emphasises the importance of financial education.

Most high-profile financial professionals have built and believe in a brand of some sort. 

Robert Kiyosaki's company teaches people how to become financially literate, or how to comprehend how money works.

The majority of individuals have no idea how money works or how to make it work for them.

Robert Kiyosaki wants people to know how to invest in stocks and bonds.

Robert learned the philosophy of investing in assets as much as possible from his "rich dad," who was also his best friend's father.

The majority of people invest all of their money in liabilities, which means that their earnings are regularly deducted each week and month.

Taking advantage of marketing opportunities created by corporate success.

In the beginning, Robert had a restricted marketing budget.

He needed to leverage his financial success to get media attention and establish his public image.

Robert and his wife, Kim, have struggled with their business from the start.

They were generating decent money without even having an office until they finally got it running.

As a result, word began to spread, and media appearances began to take place.

Robert could now begin to impart the principles he had received so early in his life.

He began to create his brand on the foundation of financial education to build wealth, using media appearances to advertise his views.

During this time, he wrote his first book about his financial theories.

He had no choice except to self-publish the book and try to sell it himself.

He continued to look for new ways to get the book into the hands of the general population.

A single occurrence can provide you with the breakthrough you require.

Robert finally came up with the headline "Rich Dad, Poor Dad," which was a significant marketing move in the right direction. He was also invited to appear on "Oprah."

Appearing on "Oprah" was a significant step in getting this book and his brand noticed. He was able to convey his thoughts and ideas, as well as pitch the book to a large audience.

People went to bookstores and requested for his book once he got this publicity. The book was a huge success, and bookshops began ordering copies.

The general population resonated with the ideals of financial literacy and owning a firm that will run whether you are present or not. 

In the book, Robert does not provide a map, but he does provide a philosophy regarding money that is unfamiliar to most people.

YouTube's Influence

Robert Kiyosaki also has a YouTube channel. You may watch all of his videos about money and wealth growth by subscribing to his YouTube account.

YouTube is extremely popular because it provides free access to information to a large number of individuals.

Attraction marketing includes YouTube videos, and Robert makes good use of this medium as well.

Robert Kiyosaki recognises that we live in an information age, in which individuals seek solutions to their issues.

People are drawn to the different things you have offered when you start with free knowledge.

That is it for this article thank you so much for reading.

If you're new to this make sure to subscribe as always follow your heart and take action.

Let's go live the life we're born to live.

I appreciate your time.

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