How To Develop English Speaking Skills

How To Develop English Speaking Skills : Foundations

The Foundations Of English Speaking Skills 

Increase your vocabulary

  • Every day, learn a new word.
  • Make a commitment to learn three or ten new words every day.
  • Study Phrases and Chunks of Words
  • Studying words in groups is a good idea.
  • For instance: Phrasal English, Business English A glass of wine, a pint of beer, a cup of tea, a pot of coffee, and so on are examples of verbs.
  • Practice pronouncing words correctly.
  • Play a game of tongue twister.

Perhaps if you only learn one new word every day, you will have learned 365 new English words in a year.

Make a mental note of the number so you don't forget it. If you have a learning partner, tell her about it so she can keep track of your progress.

As much as possible, pay attention (ABL)

I have a video about how to live on Always Be Listening 24 hours a day. Take a look at it here:

Listening constantly and obtaining as much listening practise as possible will improve your speech dramatically.

Listening and speaking are obviously two different talents. However, in order to have a conversation, you must first understand the person with whom you are conversing.

It's important to remember that having a conversation entails more than just speaking.

Click here to listen to conversational English.

Listening is a form of input as well. It will assist you in expanding your vocabulary as well as improving your pronunciation.

Listening to the sounds of English will help you produce them more accurately.

The interesting thing is that you can listen and do other things at the same time.

News, songs, and TV shows are all fantastic sources of words, depending on your daily routine.

If you enjoy listening to music, pay attention to the lyrics and write down any unfamiliar words.

Songs are excellent for learning English since they can contain a wealth of valuable vocabulary, phrases, and expressions.

FluentU videos can be used in the same way.

Improve your pronunciation to improve your fluency.

  • Learn English's natural flow;
  • Learn English's sounds and how to pronounce them correctly. You must master accurate pronunciation, intonation, stress, and relaxed pronunciation, among other things.
  • While individual words are important, the flow of sentences is the key to speaking English fluently.

Note: Native speakers combine words by merging two sounds, making a sound disappear, or modifying a sound to improve flow.


Contractions are the abbreviated versions of two words.
For instance, I + am = I'm, he + will = he'll, they + have = they've, and do + not = don't stress.


A word has stressed syllables, and a phrase has stressed words.


The entire effect of stress, contractions, and connecting is the rhythm. It's the musical aspect of English, the ups and downs.

Consistency is key (practise every day!)

The methods for speaking English that we've outlined above are only effective if you apply them.
Here's what I suggest:
Every day, do a bit more.
Make a daily commitment of 5-10 minutes. If you can do more, that's fantastic! You might work for 2-3 hours on some days. But make sure you do the bare minimum every day.
Remember that when acquiring a complex skill like speaking English fluently and confidently, consistency is crucial.

Improve your English speaking skills.

Confidence is one of the most difficult challenges to overcome when learning to speak English.
Getting out there and practising is one of the best methods to overcome.
How can I improve my English speaking confidence?
Recognize that the great majority of people are unconcerned whether you make errors. If someone makes fun of you, don't waste your time with them.
Confidence is also influenced by one's skill level. You'll gain confidence as you develop. Finally, find someone with whom you can practise - someone you can trust.

Imitation of speech

Listen to how a natural speaker says something and try to imitate it.
Attempt to imitate native speakers
Choose your favourite subtitled video.
Improve your listening, vocabulary, and grammatical skills in addition to your speaking abilities.
This is how it works (LRRC):
  • Listen – begin by listening to an English sentence
  • Repeat – pause the audio and repeat a sentence or phrase
  • Record – record yourself while repeating the words or sentences
  • Compare – this is the final step of the approach. Listen to the original audio first, then compare it to your recording.

You'll be able to see where you need to improve, as well as what you can say and comprehend correctly and what improvements you need to make.

Once you've finished watching the video, read the subtitles.

Replicate the narrator's voice word for word.

You can compare your practise to the original if you record it.

It's time to receive loads of repetition after you can accurately duplicate the original audio.

Here's how you can do it:

More information on this procedure may be found here. I strongly advise you to use this strategy. It's a tremendous statement!

Join our effective fluency programme if you want to get started straight away.

English Speakers in the Shadows

It's all about improving your English proficiency. It is more difficult than the first two procedures.
You must listen to audio and repeat what you hear without halting it while shadowing. There will be no breaks or pauses! It's also critical to pick an audio composition that you can follow along with.
This is crucial: only use sounds that can be easily repeated.
This is something I've seen pupils do incorrectly. They pick challenging audio to repeat and end up muttering.
Spend some time looking for audio that is simple to repeat. It will aid in your fluency improvement. Make a tape of yourself and listen to it.


Loudly converse in English with oneself. “Shall we go get a glass of water?” for example. “I need to do a load of laundry today,” for example.
Pick up a book, on the other hand, and read a few chapters aloud. Slowing down your reading will help you talk more quickly.

Consider your options in English.

It takes less time to answer in regular discussions if you think in English.
There's no need to translate!

In English, retell a narrative.

Retell a storey to take the challenge a step farther. Replicate other people's ideas in your own language. For example, you can recount a basic narrative in English using various terms.

Take part in public speaking competitions.

Open debates, spoken word readings, and impromptu storytelling groups are all organised by large universities, theatres, and culture societies.
These are gathering locations where you can meet like-minded people and practise your English.
TED or TEDx lectures are now being held in many places, and you can register to attend and contribute your new ideas.

Visit language cafés.

Language cafes can be found through local institutions or Meetup organisations in your city.

Using applications

Use an app to communicate with native speakers from the convenience of your own home. HelloTalk and Tandem, for example.
Create an account, tell us about yourself, your native language, and your interests.
The app will suggest several English-speaking mates for you.

Have a conversation with Siri or Google.

Siri is an excellent tool for forcing people to speak more clearly. Because Siri is a machine, you can't rely on ambient cues or facial expressions to convey your message. As a result, you must speak as clearly and exactly as possible.
If you have an Android phone, you can use Google Now to practise speaking.
So, let's get started! Choose your favourite approach for expanding your vocabulary, correcting your pronunciation, and improving your English speaking skills. Remember to practise as much as you can.
If English is not your first language, you may find it challenging to communicate in English for two reasons:
It's a difficult skill - If English isn't your first language, you're more likely to encounter difficulties.
It is said that practise makes perfect. This saying has been repeated a million times because it is true. However, most English lessons focus on grammar and texts rather than speaking strategies and methods.


What can I do at home to enhance my English speaking skills?

The benefit of living in the digital age is that you can now learn from the comfort of your own home. Learn English sounds, enhance your fluency by mimicking native speakers, and take online lessons from any location.

What is the most effective way for me to improve my English speaking skills?

If you have to pick one, go with the LRRC technique (imitation method). Find audio phrases, listen to them, record your own rendition, then compare and contrast the two. Once you've gotten it right, keep repeating the sentence again and over.

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